Ilias Evaggelou
Scientific Subject: Ecclesiastical Literature and Spiritual Life
of the Slavic People
Gonernment Gazette : 814/31-08-2016, C
Office Phone: 2310-991369
Office Hours: Friday 12:00-13:30, office 339.
Brief CV
Ilias Evangelou was born in Larissa. He studied theology and history at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He attended courses in Bulgarian and Old Slavic language and philology at the University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski ”of Sofia. He completed his postgraduate studies at the Department of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where he submitted his Doctoral Thesis on “The translation of the Life of the New King in the context of the occult Bulgarian literature during the 13th and 14th centuries”. He is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Theology at AUTh. with the subject: “Ecclesiastical Secretariat and Spiritual Life of the Slavic Peoples”. His main works are: Linguistic and ecclesiastical reforms in Bulgaria in the 14th century. The contribution of the patriarch of Tyrnovo Efthymiou, [Hellenism and the World of Slavs, 3, University Studio Press] Thessaloniki 2002 (p. 180), Words and occult Bulgarian literature in the late Middle Ages. The case of the Life of the New Kingdom, [Hellenism and the World of the Slavs, 9, University Studio Press] Thessaloniki 2007 (p. 250), The hesychasm in the world of the South Slavs in the Ninth century. Influences on their spiritual, ecclesiastical and political life, [Pournara Publications] Thessaloniki 2010 (p. 391), Slavia Orthodoxa. Sections in the spiritual and cultural history of the Orthodox Slavic world, [Vania Publications] Thessaloniki 2011 (p. 294) and in collaboration with Professor I. Tarnanidis, Medieval Secretariat of the Slavs. History and diachronic evolution, [Kyriakidis Bros. Publications] Thessaloniki 2013 (p. 517). He organized and has taken part in a series of conferences concerning the history and culture of the Orthodox Slavic world, as well as its spiritual and cultural relations with Hellenism.